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Writer's pictureStaci French

What if I told you I had once argued with the angels?

Updated: Oct 17, 2020

What if I told you I had once argued with angels? What if I told you I was sure at that time I was dead? What if the angels told me it wasn’t yet my time? What if I told you angels really truly “fly” beside us as we go throughout our lives on a daily basis? What if I told you those rays of sunlight we so often see are a sign from the angels, a message attempting to get our attention? What if some of those angels were your loved ones who have crossed over? What if the angels simply want us to realize that you too came from the same Divineness, the same Love? No matter what we look like or what our beliefs, the angels want us to know we are all ONE LOVE.

I recently was on a near death experience (NDE) panel at a Living and Dying Consciously conference. I told my story, 34 years after it happened to me, for the first time ever to a room full of over 150 strangers. Fortunately, there were three other simply fascinating women with me on the panel who for the most part, were telling their stories for the first time ever, too.

After telling my story, I felt a release of energy that I did not even realize I had kept in me all of these years. Before we started, we were all nervous, terrified and I believe, wanting to run away. But, we were surrounded by light and love. The energy in the room was that of welcoming, intent listening and somewhat awe as we all had very similar stories. Even for myself, I was amazed when the lady next to me said out loud that the angels told her the exact same thing they had told me and I hadn’t even told my story yet.

So, to those of you who read my blog and that may be two people or 2,000, I do not know but here goes my NDE story…..

When I was thirteen years old, my cousin had a moped. We were visiting a small town where both of my parents grew up and all of our family still lived. My mother told me I was not allowed on the moped and a few minutes later left me at my cousins’ house. Within thirty minutes, I was speeding down the street on the back of the moped with my cousin at the helm. We were looking for her lost dog. As we came up to a stop sign, we saw her mom across the street holding the dog. In the excitement, my cousin pulled out in front of an oncoming car. We got hit from the side (basically t-boned) and my aunt watched it all happen from the sidewalk. My foot got stuck in the grill of the car, then my body hit the windshield and I landed in the street quite a distance from the actual impact. I remember feeling like Dorothy circling in the tornado in the Wizard of Oz. The houses were spinning and I was thinking, “This is kind of cool but I am not sure it is going to end well!” I don’t remember landing. What I do remember is I went from flying in a tornado type of tunnel to a slower speed in a bright golden tunnel toward the heavens. It was extremely bright and warm, I believe very similar to what the birth canal must feel like. There were incredible gorgeous glowing angels with huge wings sitting around. Their light was so brilliant, it was blinding and I had to keep my eyes shut. Yet, I could see with my sixth sense or third eye that I didn’t even know existed before this event. The atmosphere was that of pure love, absolutely nothing else. The feathers on the angels were so soft, white and comforting. I wondered where they found all of those feathers. When I looked down, I could see my body lying in the street. There was a pool of blood by my legs. Kids on their bikes and skateboards were standing around me while an older man held my head. Everyone was staring at me as if I was dead. I saw my grandmother and my aunt. I told the angels I didn’t want to die and kept yelling, “Why are they looking at me like I am dead? Am I dead?” There was such peace even though I felt like I should be panicked. The angels softly told me it was not my time and I was not dead. I was told I had work to do so I was going back. I just kept saying over and over, “But, look at them, they all are staring at me as if I am dead!” I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, mom needs me even if she is going to want to kill me! At the same time, this amazingly gorgeous, warm, cozy place felt like home. The feeling of coming home, of being where I began was so strong. There was no fear, no anger, no judgment, no anxiety, nothing but love and warmth…total familiarity to my soul. Yet, I had completely convinced myself I was dead as I looked down upon my body. It wasn’t moving, I couldn’t feel it, I wasn’t in it, the people standing around looked very worried. There was blood everywhere and sirens from an ambulance coming down the road. I remember saying over and over to the angels, “Are you sure I am not dead?” They were so gentle, kind, loving, and reassuring. I felt panicked, like I needed to get back there because my mom expected me. Yet, the peace and light wrapped me in warmth I could relate to only through a sense I couldn’t quite understand and it made me question which was the better path.

This was the summer of 1981. I still remember this scene as though it happened yesterday. I went from the warm, bright, blinding, wrapped in love light to being right back in my body. I looked up and saw the man I had seen from above holding my head. I asked him if I was going to die and he said, “No, honey you are going to be okay.” Then, as I lay there in my body, I saw my aunt looking down as though I might just die and I remembered the angels saying, “It isn’t your time. You have work to do.” Even though I could not feel the lower part of my body physically, I knew then I was not going to die.

It has taken me 34 years to write this down. It has taken me 34 years to tell my story. It has taken 34 years and many, many encounters with angels to talk about my experience in the heavens. It was beautiful, loving and warm but we do not talk about death. We fear the unknown. We somehow believe if we do not talk about it, it will not happen to anyone we love, including ourselves. I realized that day dying was nothing to be afraid of but instead was just the moving on to another dimension. I also believed that day was something I could never speak of without others thinking I was crazy. I was headed into puberty full speed when this happened. It was a turbulent time and yet I got a taste of heaven. I got to feel the warmth and unconditional love I believe we all came from but somehow forget once we are here on Earth.

I can now look back on this experience having told my story to all of those strangers a week ago and know I was saved for something bigger. We are ALL here for a bigger purpose!

The angels, the spirits on the other side of the veil, they come to me often. They whisper messages in the wind, on the wings of the eagles, in the eyes of the does, in the dark of the night, in the rays of the sun, in the mouths of my children. Their message is one of love. They want us to wake up and realize we are ALL human first. What race, religion, gender, sex, political status, etc. you are…none of it matters. We are all ONE. Each of us came from the same light of the heavens. In order to turn this planet around, we have to start seeing that light in ourselves first so that we can reflect it back to others so that they may see their way out of the darkness. Shine brightly, you are a mirror, reflect others light, know one day you too will meet the angels and there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of.

In service of love and light….Staci

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